
How many quarter inches long is 7 3/4

Accepted Solution

The number of quarters in 7 is 28 and the number of quarters in 3/4 is 3. Then the total number of quarters is 33.What is a fraction number?A fraction number is a number that represents the part of the whole, where the whole can be any number. It is in the form of numerator and denominator.The quarter is written as one-fourth.[tex]\rm quarter = \dfrac{1}{4}[/tex]We have 7 + 3/4We know that one has 4 quarters then 7 has β†’ 7 Γ— 4 = 28And 3/4 has three quarters. Then the total quarter will be [tex]\rm Number\ of \ quarter = 7 \dfrac{3}{4} \times 4 = \dfrac{33}{4} \times 4 = 33[/tex]More about the fraction number link is given below.