
PLEASE HELP Describe the graph of y=1/2x-10 -3 compared to the graph of y=1/x

Accepted Solution

Answer:  The graphs are attached.Step-by-step explanation:  We are to describe the graph of the function [tex]y=\dfrac{1}{2x-10}-3[/tex] compared to the graph of the function [tex]y=\dfrac{1}{x}.[/tex]The graphs of both the functions are shown in the attached figure.We can see that the graph of the function [tex]y=\dfrac{1}{2x-10}-3[/tex] is stretched by a factor of 0.5, shifted 5 units to the right and 3 units downwards as compared to the graph of the function [tex]y=\dfrac{1}{x}.[/tex]